ad1759am 正在
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
麻雀變鳳凰片中風流瀟灑一擲千金大老闆李察吉爾,如今在 Time Out Of Mind 新片中演出無家可歸之街友,因深入角色心境而回不來現實上億美元身價之超級巨星身分而流浪街頭 ~Richard Gere is a real actor as he was a handsome rich playboy in "Pretty Woman" but now would be a homeless man. Gere is a true man with a tender heart and it makes him a superstar as it moves our hearts.
6 years ago
As a world citizen, what do you want between War and Peace? Meeting of the strongmen: How did Trump measure up a... We have to make the choice now before too late which is the democracy system's fundamental weak point, to compete with the dictatorship! We must be ready for the right time with the right person, to do the right thing at the right location by the right way of doing.