生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
「你八成是瘋了!」 觀光客談北韓旅遊的風險與威脅 - 衛報國際版(當日點閱率第五名)
'You would have to be a lunatic': Tourists to North Kor...

A guide wearing a traditional dress speaks to visito...導遊與平壤凱旋門。
昏迷的遭拘禁大學生返國後死亡 美國禁止公民前往北韓旅遊
US to ban citizens from travel to North Korea, tour operators say
#北韓人權議題 #朝鮮半島 #平行世界 #北韓飛彈與核武危機
latest #9
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
“I wouldn’t mind seeing more of North Korea but honestly with the saber-rattling going on right now I think you’d almost have to be a lunatic to be an American and to roll out there,” James told the Guardian. “Unless you were a proselytizing Christian and you really felt it was your God’s duty, I can’t imagine why you would go out there right now”.
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
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