生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
民調指出:六成英國人希望能夠保有他們的歐盟國籍 - 觀察家週日報 via 衛報頭版
Poll finds that 60% of Britons want to keep their EU citizenship
Artist Mark Wallinger is warning of the danger Brexi...脫歐對於藝術產業也會有負面甚至危險之影響。

梅伊的脫歐計畫恐衝擊在歐盟境內英國人之權益 - 衛報本日點閱率第五名
May's Brexit plan could hit rights of Britons abroad, campai...
#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #文化產業 #the3million三百萬人運動
latest #14
梅伊的脫歐計畫恐衝擊在歐盟境內英國人之權益 - 衛報本日點閱率第五名
May's Brexit plan could hit rights of Britons abroad, campai...

British in Europe and the3million say UK proposal would severely reduce the rights enjoyed by Britons living in Europe
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