生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
在那"糟透了的一晚" 梅伊的強而有力又穩定的幻想蒸發了 - 衛報政治版
'Dreadful night' when Theresa May's strong and sta...
‘Now let’s get to work’: Theresa May’s Downing Stree...+
面對黨內議員的憤怒 梅伊改為悔悟之口氣 Theresa May adopts contrite tone after Tory MPs vent anger over e...
'Tories turn on Theresa': papers across the spectrum on...
https://i.imgur.com/6ziW5yi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/MI5KuF5.jpg
#英國大選2017 #國家報紙 #小報
latest #13
泰瑞莎梅伊仍是首相,不過能撐多久? - 衛報政治版
The Snap: Theresa May – still prime minister, but for how long?
Tories (and press) turn on May … Labour wins in Kensington …most diverse parliament ever … and can DUP deal survive questions over hardline beliefs?

#勉強贏了面子但輸了裏子 #出了面子贏了裡子 #勝選的輸家 #敗選的贏家 #SNP #最分歧的國會
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