生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
梅伊是如何地從超級有自信到懷疑與驚慌 - 觀察家週日報
How Theresa May went from supreme confidence to doub...原本這場提前大選應該是泰瑞莎皇后的加冕典禮 ──不過那已經是四月時候的事情了。現在,托利黨領導人在約克夏菌的選戰活動上,沒有任何事情是理所當然的。
讓分裂的國家再度團結 不是吃個起司或做個瓷器就好 - 衛報評論
It'll take more than cheese and ceramics to reunite ...Illustration by David Foldvari.哈哈哈哈
#英國大選2017 #試吃起司臉 #保守黨的洗三溫暖式雲霄飛車選戰心情
latest #31
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Theresa May raging when a journalist called her a "glumbucket"

[轉FB] Oooft, Theresa May raging when a journalist ca...

生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
【Janey Godley】 big TEREEEZA finally cracks upBig Tereeza cracks upvia [轉FB] 😭😭
#配音 #設計對白 #janeygodleyvoiceover #蘇格蘭腔
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
原本托利黨是多麼看好選戰 然後樂園症候群就來了 - 衛報評論
It all looked so good for the Tories. Then Paradise Syndrome stru...

‘Whatever the result, Theresa May should no longer suffer from delusions of adequacy.’

Theresa May’s campaign relied entirely on her delivering soundbites about her strength and stability at stage-managed pseudo-events in sealed hangars
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
【朗詩】 憐憫這個國家
Pity the Nation, by Lawrence Ferlinghettivia FB
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Dear TheresaDear Theresa再一個神人!
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