生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
英國太脆弱,容易成了那些去不了敘利亞的聖戰士的攻擊目標 - 曼徹斯特恐攻專刊 - 衛報
UK 'vulnerable to terror attacks by jihadis unable t...也不意外的,一如往常,那些右派嘴臉開始出來秀下限了:

爭議評論家凱蒂霍金絲在推特上發了「最終解決方案」後自刪 並遭警方約談 Katie Hopkins reported to police after 'final soluti... Nick Cohen on Twitter「就算她不知道納粹(但我很懷疑),她所謂的『最終方案』也只意味著種族淨化。」

Morrissey attacks politicians and the Queen over Man...
各家媒體頭版反應。每日郵報、太陽報之流不意外。 How the British press reacted to the Manchester bomb...https://imgur.com/dogkfpG.jpg
#治安維安與反恐防恐 #種族歧視 #種族清洗大屠殺 #ISIL伊斯蘭國
latest #28
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
英勇的幽默,或是凱蒂霍普金絲?這週是我們選擇英國價值的一週 - 衛報評論
Heroic humour or Katie Hopkins? This was a week to choose British...Illustration by Robert G Fresson
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
[轉推] 聖戰士很聰明。他們藉由上紀錄片訪談來躲避政府查緝。喔對,標題還叫做"聖戰士"。
via Sam White on TwitterJihadis are cleverly evading the authorities by appearing in documentaries about jihadis with the word jihadi in the title.

via Earl Cheffield
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Kerslake findings: emergency responses to Manchester...Firefighters told to keep their distance as it was too dangerous, police took ‘brave, common-sense decisions’, and media ‘hounded’ families.

Emergency services rules too inflexible, says Manchester’s mayor
Andy Burnham calls for common sense to prevail after firefighters were barred from arena site.
#反恐程序僵化不夠彈性 #消防隊 #警消
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