生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
厄度頑訪美 保鑣攻擊抗議群眾 - 衛報國際版
- 'Erdoğan's bodyguards' in violent clash with prote...
- US voices 'strongest possible' concern over violence du...Türk Büyükelçiliği Konutu Önünde Coplu Yumruklu Kavg...「我差點就要死了」 示威者見證那些保鑣是如何地將抗爭轉變為暴力衝突 - 衛報點閱率第二 'I could have died': how Erdoğan's bodyguards turn...President @realDonaldTrump can you please speak up f...他們不但咒罵示威者的女性親人,還攻擊抗議民眾;受訪者去搭就遭掐脖子揍臉的女性後遭到遭到圍毆。(如影片)
麥肯:土耳其大使應該為這暴力事件而被"踢出境" John McCain: Turkish ambassador should be 'thrown out' ...A man is seen bloodied from head wounds outside the ...#土耳其人權議題 #國家暴力在海外 #美國 #言論自由
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掰噗~ asks
7 years ago
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