生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
英格蘭國教會數名主教連署信 呼籲選民不能對大選漠不關心 - 衛報國際版
Church of England urges voters to 'set aside apathy' in...
Justin Welby and John Sentamu, left and second left,...
ps. 怎麼放在國際版
#英國國教會 #關心政治,否則被輾 #排外 #cynicism犬儒主義 #「雖然,但是」話術 #關心政治 #多元文化與社會融合 #Brexit英國脫歐公投
latest #12
In an acknowledgement of the factors behind last year’s Brexit vote, the archbishops write:
“Offering a generous and hospital welcome to refugees is a vital expression of our common humanity, but it is not without cost and we should not be deaf to the legitimate concerns that have been expressed about the scale of population flows and the differential impact it has on different parts of the country.
The pressures of integration must be shared more equitably.”
[生活中找樂趣] 自民黨黨魁法倫:我不相信同性戀是罪 - 衛報政治版 - Tim Farron say...
而文內的"堅定/穩重"(Stability)可能是暗示他們為聲稱要做個「強而有力又穩定的領導人」(strong and stable)的梅伊首相背書。
[生活中找樂趣] 【衛報幫你標】 <政客的語言> 這次首相質詢裡面,托利黨人不斷地跳針「強而...
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