生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
上議院報告:脫歐若無貿易協定 讓英國食品產業面對龐大的挑戰 - 衛報頭版
UK food sector faces enormous challenges post-Brexit...若脫歐沒有伴隨著貿易協議,全國有97%以上的食品與飲料出口將會陷於風險中


#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #全球化 #連鎖反應蝴蝶效應骨牌效應 #物價 #自由遷徙與EU歐盟自由貿易區 #食物供應 #食品加工業 #原料漲價
latest #44
【貝爾法斯特農產品展】 脫歐將為北愛帶來災難
Brexit catastrophic for North - Message at Balmoral ...#農夫權益 #補助 #津貼 #自由移動遷徙 #留學生 #附帶傷害 #托利自私性
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Northern Ireland beef farmers call for five-year Bre...Industry body says it needs more time to offset negative impact of Brexit and warns of ‘grave consequences’ for economy
UK to seek Irish border waivers on customs and food ...[2017-8-16] Britain reveals plan to ask for exemptions for all small traders and farmers as it pursues goal of avoiding EU border posts.

#北愛爾蘭 #邊界 #硬國界 #關稅 #農夫權益 #小貿易商 #關稅減免
MEP Martina Anderson on TwitterThis is the amount of farm payment that will be lost to each constituency as a result of #Brexit

Every farmer in each constituency will be hit hard by the damage Brexit will bring

Brought to you by Tory/DUP Brexiteers


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