生活中找樂趣 says
6 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
<關心國際大事> 委內瑞拉反政府抗爭 2人頭部中彈死亡
委內瑞拉反政府抗爭 2人頭部中彈死亡 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報一名女性與17歲少年遭擊斃

Deaths and injuries reported amid 'mother of all mar...
委內瑞拉民生凋敝 政府仍灑千萬贊助川普就職 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報
【衛報圖輯】 衛內瑞拉遊行:暴力之後
Violence after anti-government march in Caracas – in...
複習:崩潰邊緣的國度走一遭 Venezuela on the brink: a journey through a country ...https://goo.gl/oRh8zq
#崩潰邊緣的國度 #委內瑞拉反政府示威抗議 #中南北美洲 #拉丁美洲 #不知民間疾苦還撒錢 #川普就職
latest #22
掰噗~ says
6 years ago
生活中找樂趣 says
4 years ago
Guaidó supporters take to Venezuela's streets in new...Opposition leader’s video inspires hundreds to flock to Caracas airbase, amid reports of pro-opposition protests in multiple cities

稍早標題:Venezuela: Guaidó says 'final phase' of plan to oust Maduro has begun
生活中找樂趣 says
4 years ago
Venezuela crisis: Maduro claims coup has been 'defea...
In first appearance since rebellion lead by Juan Guaidó, president calls for applause for ‘obedient’ armed forces. Follow updates.
生活中找樂趣 says
4 years ago
Venezuela crisis: Maduro claims victory over 'derang...President blames Trump imperialists and ‘coup-mongering far right’ as rival Juan Guaidó calls for more protests.
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