生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
將夜店打人的艾佛頓混血球員巴克利與大猩猩做比較 太陽報專欄作家/前主編麥肯錫遭到報社停職並接受警方調查 - 衛報頭版
Police investigate racial hate complaint over Kelvin...附帶一提:這傢伙自己是蘇格蘭裔,卻在2007年的時候大力攻擊汙辱蘇格蘭人。然後他也曾被控恐伊斯蘭症。
再次汙辱利物浦 麥肯錫再度給了自己一計超棒的烏龍球 - 衛報評論
MacKenzie has scored a spectacular own goal by insul...他讓太陽報別無選擇,也只能將他停職了 ── 當然啦,他最大的支持者梅鐸也就不了他了。
#英國 #種族歧視 #大猩猩 #仇恨犯罪 #利物浦足球員 #揍人
latest #36
掰噗~ says
7 years ago
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Sun under pressure to sack Kelvin MacKenzie

Club bans newspaper’s reporters in wake of columnist’s slurs against player Ross Barkley and the city of Liverpool
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
The Sun prints apology for Kelvin MacKenzie column on Ross Barkle...

Former editor, who compared mixed-race Everton footballer to a gorilla, was suspended by newspaper
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