生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
坎朵珍娜的百事可樂廣告 遭批評消費抗議活動 - 衛報時尚版
Kendall Jenner's Pepsi ad criticized for co-opting protest m...Kendall Jenner stars in heavily criticised viral Pep...+
'SNL' Does a Hilarious Parody of Pepsi's Kendall J...
#百事可樂廣告 #含糖飲料 #大量轉錄 #抗議抗爭 #分散注意力 #轉移焦點 #Parody #公關危機 #模特兒 #SNL週末夜現場 #平權遊行與社會議題抗爭 #資本主義 #ignorant #黑人
latest #6
7 years ago
Pepsi™ (@pepsi) | Twitter
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
“I think maybe you just don’t get it,” says the oblivious white Pepsi ad guy.
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