生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
<關心國際大事> "已到了無可挽回的局勢" 葉門衝突導致七百萬人陷於飢荒邊緣 - 全球發展 - 衛報
Yemen at 'point of no return' as conflict leaves alm...https://imgur.com/6Bnty0g.jpg?https://imgur.com/qxWOpIX
【複習】 葉門糧食危機:「我們破產了。我們不是會餓死,就是死於轟炸」
Yemen's food crisis: 'We are broken, we die either f...+
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has conducted over 90,000 airstrikes on Yemen since Mar. 26, 2015.
Stop The War On Yemen
#中東人權議題 #人道救援 #聯合國UNICEF #沙烏地阿拉伯
latest #21
掰噗~ says
7 years ago
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