生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
解決山積的招回品 三星宣布可能將"重整"過的Galaxy Note 7拿出來販售 - 衛報 Samsung could sell 'refurbished' Galaxy Note 7 phone...共4百萬隻。其中部分將會"整修"之後再拿出來賣,這是一個「環境友善」的解決方案。
Samsung in January blamed faulty batteries for the e...嗯,你們先確定已經換了一個不會出包的電池吧。

另外這是四天前的新聞:三星將會用遠端方式解決掉未送回的Note 7
Samsung to completely disable Galaxy Note 7 battery ...
三星Galaxy S8、S8+聰明大螢幕手機亮相,新功能動手玩 | ETtoday3C家電新聞 | ET..."已故手機…"
#旗艦機S8 #公安事件 #公德心:別拿他人的安全開玩笑 #沒啥好自誇的,很危險 #中文能力 #媒體水準與記者素質 #魚拓備分 #大眾安危 #公共危險
latest #27
掰噗~ says
7 years ago
息怒息怒 @口@
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Note7Rebels.com | Never Give In | #N7R #NOTE7REBELS
via keith camper on Twitter
my note7 still works flawlessly..no updates from samsung..bk pkg disabler. Full battery chg. http://
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Evan Blass on Twitter
This is nothing to brag about. Unless you never take the phone out of your house, you're knowingly putting other people in danger.
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Note7Rebels.com | Never Give In | #N7R #NOTE7REBELS
via keith camper on Twitter

my note7 still works flawlessly..no updates from samsung..bk pkg disabler. Full battery chg. http://
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Evan Blass on Twitter
This is nothing to brag about. Unless you never take the phone out of your house, you're knowingly putting other people in danger.
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
有道理耶www 不然即使改裝後再販,如果大眾沒有得知消息的話還是賣不出去www 然後怪罪新問題這招讚wwww
之前不是才把存放Note 7的倉庫給燒了嗎XD
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
天津那個對吧w 畢竟太不環保了wwwww
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