生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Don't blackmail us over security, EU warns May她真的很愛拿人命來當談判籌碼耶。垃圾。

Angela Merkel rejects one of Theresa May's key ...Germany’s Merkel wants to ease Brexit shock on EU re...「必須要有未來的關係,才會有離婚協議。」梅克爾同時呼籲各方應保障歐盟在英僑民的日常生活。「英國仍是歐洲的一部份,我們共享許多事情,但沒有一樣的價值觀。」

Brexit: Europe reacts as Britain leaves the EUhttps://goo.gl/6ZPhPX
#Brexit英國脫歐 #里斯本50 #地緣政治 #歐洲全境安全與區域整合 #反恐 #痛斥自大嘴臉 #EU歐盟領袖們的反應
latest #39
稍早標題:Brexit: EU condemns May’s ‘blackmail’ over security cooperation
'I am the anti-Merkel': Marine Le Pen on Brexit, EU,...這位大媽妳可以閃旁去嗎?

Using security as Brexit bargaining chip is reckless and lacks cr...

稍早標題:Analysis: Using security as Brexit bargaining chip is reckless
Boris Johnson joins UK attempts to calm Brexit security concerns

EU diplomats in London are offered reassurances that security remarks in article 50 letter should not be seen as a threat
Brexit row: GCHQ chief stresses UK's role in fo...
Jeremy Fleming’s comments can be seen as riposte to EU threats to end UK access to security databases.
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