生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
【衛報編輯部】敝社觀點:另一場蘇格蘭公投 梅伊自己親手製造的危機
The Guardian view on another Scottish vote: Theresa ...首相對於票投統一/留下的人們翼點都不尊重,最終導致英蘇關係破裂,多數投No的轉向史德貞。
Nicola Sturgeon to seek second Scottish independence...
首相不讓步 逼得蘇格蘭喊獨立 Theresa May’s refusal to give an inch has forced Stu...
蘇格蘭經濟有利到 不過足夠獨立嗎? The Scottish economy has strengths – but could it ma...
May hits back over Nicola Sturgeon's demand for new ...https://imgs.plurk.com/Qv0/rBd/YJ559BuumacWCNdZz34EWThWxzA_mt.jpeg
#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #英格蘭嘴臉
latest #47
Compromise still possible to avoid Scotland independence vote, sa...

Senior SNP figure Angus Robertson says clock is ticking but Theresa May still has time to agree to special Brexit deal for Scotland
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