生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
一個網路爆紅影片"韓國專家教授專訪卻遭寶寶搶戲" 激發了社群網站上的種族歧視論戰 - 衛報
BBC interview hijacked by children prompts social media debateChildren interrupt BBC News interview - BBC News引用: 一開始許多人以為進來帶走小孩的是保母,但據外媒報導,她應該是凱利教授的韓籍妻子。有網友批評,那些看到亞洲女性就覺得是保母的人,犯了種族歧視的毛病。
#種族歧視 #刻板印象 #亞洲人 #亞裔 #白人優越?
latest #7
If you saw a nanny in this BBC interview, what does that say about you?

If you saw a nanny in this BBC interview, what does that say abou...

When Professor Robert Kelly’s two small children burst in on him, an Asian woman came in to get them. Stereotypes filled in the rest.
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