生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Villagers evacuated as snow, high winds and flooding... Coastal village in Essex evacuated as wintry weather...雪‧風‧雷‧水齊至...... 真的是瘋狂天氣。海岸地區還有洪水警戒。

【氣象小知識】 什麼是暴雷雪? What is thundersnow? – video explainer 最近不只是歐洲,美國也有。影片裡面有個老兄超興奮的,然後天色是紅的...

【衛報圖專】 大雪天氣擊中英國 Snowy weather hits the UK - in pictures與損害
Best photos of the day: storm damage and a frozen fo...https://imgs.plurk.com/Qv0/Pcd/uXsnugEz83RPTOkQqJlaWfITPxg_mt.jpeg
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