生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
「士氣低落」 脫歐程序導致工作量大增 英國公務員工會要求加薪 - 衛報
Civil servants demand Brexit workload pay rise工會表示工作量根本讓他們快要撐不住,政府也資源不夠,而且脫歐程序根本把他們"推向極限",不過在一個每日郵報的訪談中,前保守黨揆竟嗆聲"丟人現眼"
Brexit helps kill Francis Maude's hated civil servic...https://imgur.com/4trNXLJ.jpg
#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #壓榨與剝削勞工權益嘴臉 #階級階層
latest #12
swn002: 你不覺得保守黨這幾年的行為下來跟KMT那幫中國人超雷同的嗎?上次衛生大臣還說要多跟中國人學習。
"工作越來越重,薪水越來越少" 公務員/軍公教/公部門勞工怎看薪水差異
'Harder work for less money': public sector workers on ...

A pay freeze since 2011 has seen incomes fall well behind inflation. We asked people to tell us how this has affected them

#通貨膨脹 #薪水凍漲
UK stands down 6,000 no-deal Brexit staff - after sp...Civil service to stand down its no-deal contingency plans in light of new departure date.
#公務員 #無協議脫歐應變計畫 #脫歐時程延期 #延遲脫歐
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