生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
挪威首相警告:英國缺乏談判經驗 恐導致"超級硬脫歐" - 衛報
UK's lack of negotiating experience may lead to...+
We pay, but have no say: that’s the reality of Norwa...https://imgur.com/sykkJQJ.jpg
#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #沒有籌碼 #歐盟說的算 #單一市場
latest #21
UK at risk of Brexit ‘catastrophe’ warns Canadian trade expert
At last, good news on Brexit: Britain is heading for...Theresa May’s transition deal hints at the best option: remaining in the single market – plus the customs union
#關稅同盟 #單一市場 #最佳方案
Norway-style Brexit option can't be considered,...Labour leader tells MPs that EEA membership would leave Britain as a ‘rule taker’ without influence at European Union level

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