生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
川普蘭走一遭 ── 衛報華盛頓駐點主任的所見所聞
My journeys in Trumpland
Latino leader attacks Clinton campaign for taking Hi...https://imgs.plurk.com/QuZ/gOx/gyoxO9l7kaVd4yCDmfDSDe3LbHe_mt.jpeg
#美國總統大選2016 #媒體泡沫
latest #18
Travels in Trumpland with Ed Balls review – a Lycra-...The former shadow chancellor dons a union jack leotard on his journey to find what motivates Trump supporters – at least you can’t say he’s not game.
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