生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
可合法前往英國卻屢遭延遲卡在加萊難民營 等不及的14歲阿富汗少年攀車慘死 - 衛報
Afghan boy killed in Calais in attempt to climb on t...

Rowan Williams and 200 faith leaders call for revise...宗教領袖呼籲

Thousands march in London during pro-refugee demonst...倫敦街頭遊行

#人道危機 #官僚程序 #邊界議題 #孩童權益福利 #敘利亞
latest #35
Kent motorway to shut as work begins on possible pos...M26’s closure for site surveys angers local MP, amid wider concerns in Tory ranks about May’s Brexit plans

稍早標題:Brexit / Second Kent motorway may be turned into lorry park
#高速公路 #大型貨車停車場
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