生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
將能接受變性手術 維基洩密線人雀爾喜曼寧結束獄中絕食抗議 - 衛報
Chelsea Manning ends hunger strike after winning gen...她先前還在監獄裡因此遭到霸凌,甚至自殺未遂

「關禁閉是一種『非接觸式』刑求」 Solitary confinement is 'no touch' torture, and it m...
「單獨面對政府很恐怖」 Chelsea Manning: 'It is terrifying to face the gover...
Don't punish Chelsea Manning – release her | Trevor ...https://imgur.com/fOj74em.jpg
#LGBT同志權益 #美國人權議題 #維基解密
latest #10
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
I fought for Chelsea Manning because she stood up for all trans p...
我為曼寧而戰 因為她為所有跨性人挺身而出 - 衛報評論
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