生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
摸摸海豚遭指「支持虐待動物」應「去好好做功課了解動物監禁」 奧斯卡影后布麗‧拉森於IG上道歉
Brie Larson Apologises After Posting Photo With Dolp...https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ3K6uGB2UL/

#化解公關危機 #道德魔人假PC假道學 #動物權益 #動物保護 #Instagram #真真假假激進份子基本教義派
latest #16
“I posted a photo previously that encapsulated a silly moment in my weird life,” she wrote in the photo’s caption.
I forgot that through social media and random interviews you do not know all the facets of me and what my concerns are.
We should be concerned about the wellbeing of all animals. Yes, dolphins. Along with every other creature.
There are problems with animals in captivity. There are problems with animals living in the wild.
It has always been a priority of mine to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
I apologize if the photo appeared to endorse animal cruelty. I don’t believe any living thing deserves mistreatment.
In the comments section feel free to discuss your thoughts, concerns, articles, ANYTHING that can turn this into a moment of education for myself all who are interested.
We gotta remember that we will make mistakes but we can learn from them, together. Much love.
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