生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
脫歐效應 網路搜尋「移民紐西蘭」創新高 - 衛報
Brexit sparks rush for New Zealand as emigration inq...一個月就收到3000筆註冊ww 包括搬家、工作移民,還有投資移民。
#Brexit英國脫歐公投後續 #破紀錄 #澳洲呢?地很大呀
latest #9
[生活中找樂趣] - [轉推] 下一部007,整整兩小時就看詹姆斯龐德在法國戴高樂機場等通關 - ...6. TESTING - Googles how to become an Irish citizen
因為脫歐而拿了愛爾蘭護照嗎?這邊有些給你新身分的指南 - 衛報評論(當日點閱率第五名)
So you’ve got an Irish passport because of Brexit. Here’s a guide...

As Brits dig out their grandparents’ birth certificates and apply to the passport service en masse, here are some tips to fitting in from drinking tea to Ed Sheeran
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