法規不完整 NHS癌症病患錯失使用新藥的機會 - 衛報
NHS cancer patients missing out on innovative drugsBreast Cancer Now and Prostate Cancer UK have review...+
經調查 英國有17萬癌症患著在70、80年代確診後與病魔奮戰至今
Thousands of cancer sufferers surviving decades after diagnosisThe number of people living with cancer in the UK is...#NHS英國全民健保 #治療癌症藥物 #折磨 #乳癌 #攝護腺癌 #英國社會議題與社會福利機制 #藥商與醫療業者
latest #17
Some 116,000 cancer patients last year in England did not have the potential long-term side effects from their cancer fully explained to them, Thomas said.
Macmillan also estimates that there could be around 42,500 people who were diagnosed with cancer in the 1970s and 1980s who may still be dealing with long-term consequences.
After suffering cancer as a child, Greig Trout developed scoliosis, deep vein thrombosis and eczema.
He struggles to put on muscle or fat in his upper body, has physiotherapy for his back and takes blood thinning pills every day.
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