生活中找樂趣 says
8 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
中國於時代廣場高頻率播放的南海領土宣傳片 裏面包含了被扭曲的工黨議員談話 - 衛報
China's Times Square propaganda video accused of ske...1.有錢真好,這樣砸大錢的。除了中國人民的血汗錢納稅金之外,還有多少台商貢獻的呢
An image from United States Navy video shows Chinese...South China Sea PR campaign falsely suggests British... Xinhua’s Giant Sign to Blink On in Times Squarehttps://imgs.plurk.com/Qv2/5Yy/v5lLxO3ikBGKjjcFoDjuCmREu1S_mt.jpg
#南海領土爭議 #南海仲裁 #中共嘴臉 #新華社 #斷章取義
latest #18
掰噗~ feels
8 years ago
那ㄝ阿捏!? (doh)
生活中找樂趣 says
8 years ago
According to state media, China plans to play its latest video in Times Square 120 times a day until 3 August.
生活中找樂趣 says
8 years ago
Projecting such a video above Manhattan’s highest concentration of eyeballs does not come cheap. In 2011, the New York Times estimated the cost to be $300,000 to $400,000 a month.
8 years ago
woody_man says
8 years ago
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