cinnamon0214 is
8 years ago
latest #6
cinnamon0214 says
8 years ago
cinnamon0214 says
8 years ago
You're very hotheaded, you've probably been sent to the principal's office more than a few times in your days as a little scamp.
cinnamon0214 says
8 years ago
You're judgmental and jump to conclusions faster than you can fully analyze the situation.
cinnamon0214 says
8 years ago
Even when you seem cool and collected, even the smallest tap can push you over into a rage.
cinnamon0214 says
8 years ago
But fortunately, you can calm down and realize what you've done. You're very good at apologizing (Perhaps from getting in trouble so much?) and you have -or at least can- made a few friends from this.
cinnamon0214 says
8 years ago
You're the type of person that gets irritated when someone shows no clear irritation or reaction at all to your tactics.
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