8 years ago
I know it's been ages...but things are particularly tough at the moment...and I feel particularly drained today...after a fairly good Year 3 at school, Elfling is currently really struggling, rebelling and
latest #10
8 years ago
things are a daily struggle of calls from school, exclusions and on my part much guilt, tears and near desperation....while stress and pressure from other quarters continually ramps up further too..
8 years ago
..but I always look in here and read how everyone's doing every day...and that does provide a real comfort somehow...
8 years ago
so y'all keep on doing what you're doing, and I'll try and find the courage to pipe up a bit more often..thank you all...
Bangered Mash
8 years ago
I'm usually accused of being disturbing not comforting!
Bangered Mash
8 years ago
(cozy) Hang in there, you know you can always nudge me
8 years ago
Big love from here too, even though I too am somewhat taciturn
8 years ago
I'm sorry, I hope things get better soon.
8 years ago
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