just ely
8 years ago
saw Inside Out today...and I never thought I'd say this about a Disney/Pixar film...if you suffer from depression, you may find this movie difficult to watch and you
latest #6
just ely says
8 years ago
probably want to make sure your emotional support system is available for you after.
Whiskey Neat
8 years ago
I wondered, after I heard a review on NPR. I adore Pixar and can't wait to see it. Thanks for the heads up.
just ely says
8 years ago
it was fabulous and beautiful and touching...and such a strong metaphor for what goes on inside that i started crying pretty much from the moment "sadness" began expressing herself.
8 years ago
I watched it last night super late, by myself, not a good idea but so well done
just ely says
8 years ago
yeah it's the "by yourself" part I think was a problem for me. On the other hand, i didn't want anyone else there being distracted by my crying! (that's why i went by myself)
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