9 years ago
Does anyone know if there is such a thing as a script which gives items only to a list of specified avatars (i.e. my bloggers) when touched?
latest #8
9 years ago
Yes, there exists such a script. I don't know what it's called, but it goes by the avatars "number" and only they are allowed to get it's contents.
9 years ago
There is one in the SL Script lib called "MLPV2 Give Items in Folder to a Specific Person" that can be used for a multiple names as well.
9 years ago
Plurk won't let me put the link in here but you can search on the name and find it
9 years ago
someone actually made this box where you can put the item in it, and only the person you named can buy it
9 years ago
I have them and used them for when I auctioned off my cats
9 years ago
It's called [satus Inc] Reserved Item Vendor System
9 years ago
Oh thank you all so much! That is such a big help!
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