ahtoe says
9 years ago
My relatives are visiting and I haven't been plurking, playing Tsums, reading books, watching tv, face booking, twittering, Pinteresting and Tumblring.
latest #17
was about to summon you... (LOL)
ahtoe says
9 years ago
My plurk karma down a point!! Now it's 14 point something. Need to sneak out once in a while to plurk!
9 years ago
mad_dog says
9 years ago
lu (*˘︶˘*)
9 years ago
your karma goes up quite quickly! mine only goes up by 0.01 each day now
冬冬~ says
9 years ago
akaneantares: back from paris yet?? how's the weather there??
lu (*˘︶˘*)
9 years ago
wintervalley: yup. cold but super sunny
冬冬~ says
9 years ago
cold? :-o
lu (*˘︶˘*)
9 years ago
18/21C tops during the day, 12-14 in the morning/at night (around 9ish)
lu (*˘︶˘*)
9 years ago
yes ah, that's the "usual" paris summer temp. lucky we didn't get the heat wave this year
冬冬~ says
9 years ago
ok so by the time we get there it'll be colder then... I'll keep that in mind...
lu (*˘︶˘*)
9 years ago
yup yup. as usual, you get warmer when you walk around + sunny, but in the morning and evening, it's really chilly
lu (*˘︶˘*)
9 years ago
plus, it gets a bit windy. esp. at the pyramides @ louvre
lu (*˘︶˘*)
9 years ago
i wondered where the wind came from, it was crazily windy
冬冬~ says
9 years ago
ok... that sucks tho that means thicker clothes to pack in suitcase XD
lu (*˘︶˘*)
9 years ago
just wear layers lor. wear the thicker jacket so no need to pack XD
ahtoe says
9 years ago
Cool weather is okay as long as it's sunny!
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