Angel80269 says
9 years ago
I feel tired to communicate with people, who try to do things super careful. I know MgCl2 concentration can cause different effect for PCR, ok? There is no need to bother other people for their protocol!
latest #7
Angel80269 says
9 years ago
Please do not explain to me the theory....... and it's you are asking for help!! not me!!
Angel80269 says
9 years ago
If you are not feeling comfortable with my protocol, then just use yours.
Angel80269 says
9 years ago
just complaining.....
9 years ago
我現在學會如何中斷那種人了。You can try it.
ichbintony says
9 years ago
Just do it. Impossible is nothing.
Angel80269 says
9 years ago
Angel80269 says
9 years ago
I asked, she is the kind work seriously and passionately. I know she is a good person. Have to find a way to work with this type of people!
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