Adaline BOB May
9 years ago
I am trying to self sabotage, I keep telling myself I am too tired to leave the house, thus keeping me from going to register for this semester.
latest #10
9 years ago
well stop screwing around and go
Adaline BOB May
9 years ago
AustonHarbour: I put my hair in a ponytail, I am slowly getting ready.
9 years ago
Yeah but you're awesome and you can do this, so tell yourself to naff off and go get registered! :-D
Tortured Poet says
9 years ago
You can do it sister! Text me when you get back, I want to hear all about it!
Lyla says
9 years ago
you'll feel so much better when you do it!
Adaline BOB May
9 years ago
Thanks guys, I put pants on now, I think its happening.
Tortured Poet says
9 years ago
It's happening. Don't make me come down there. ;-)
Adaline BOB May
9 years ago
shilohselene: I wish you would, I am being 12 and need my hand held apparently Q_Q
Adaline BOB May
9 years ago
I put on my MAC mascara tho, so now I HAVE to go out cause you don't just put on MAC mascara and not leave the house.
Tortured Poet
9 years ago
Ugh if I could I would! It's a long drive and I wouldn't make it in time now :-P
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