wisdomwords says
9 years ago
The symphony of Earth is playing right now, it’s just that we aren’t listening carefully. ~ Du-Chih Tu - TEDxTaipei\'s Google+ message Sorry, we just need to make sure youre not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies.Sound of Heaven, Symphony of Earth
amazonrobot says
9 years ago
Mobile Application - Crazy Car 3D
喜歡,陽光奮力穿過枝葉,眷顧著,我。 -摘自Miss_Chloe的個人檔案標題
蓮藕妹 says
9 years ago
博客來-Google教我的101個工作最佳化:效... Google 整理力:把郵件雜務清空重整的祕密Google 計畫力:..