wisdomwords says
9 years ago
Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t. ~ Pudd’nhead Wilson’s New Calendar, Mark Twain - The Dollar Trap Grade 5 Up-British actor Mike McShane provides a superb portrayal of Mark Twains classic characters, nailing the Mississippi drawl and cadence. For those who know and love the story or are following along with an unabridged edition, however, this production is marred somewhat by what the publisher has chosen to leave out.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
《三國演義》中三國的故事告訴我們:只有勇於就義才能改變命運,否則你永遠只是一棋子,任人擺佈宰殺。 -摘自三國演義
yan2005t says
9 years ago