wisdomwords says
9 years ago
Never settle for being someone’s back-up plan. If you’re not their first plan, they don’t deserve you in the first place. - 單身英文簽名的微博 Sorry, we just need to make sure youre not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies.Love Meter
親愛的安琪,寫信給妳時,我彷彿能感受到妳的呼吸。我也幻想著妳讀它時,能感受到我的。 -摘自《羅丹薩的夜晚》(Nights in Rodanthe)
蓮藕妹 says
9 years ago
博客來-英文文法有道理!:重新認識英文文法觀念 書名:英文文法有道理!:重新認識英文文法觀念,原文名稱:Making Sense ...