11 years ago
Shaking Koala march for 5000 times, then you'll get a choco ball. ;q; //new activity?
latest #9
yes wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww it has been a new fashion in Taiwan now. Everbody loves to shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!! if you want to try, you should shake for helf an hour XDDDD
Rint_Rondo says
11 years ago
kelly41139: many people in Thailand also shaaaaake wwwwwwww that video is the original right? wwwww FABULOUS!!
my classmate also shake~~XD
Rint_Rondo says
11 years ago
Let's find something else like Glico cream collon and shake it!!
don't try. seriously.
11 years ago
This is not edible.... ;q;
Rint_Rondo: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
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