James Holmes (Aurora shooter) DOB: 12/13/1987 Numerology: 347=5 Card: 5 of Clubs! People of life path 5 are always the smartest of the bunch
latest #7
Holmes is no different! Sun/Moon Sag/Virgo is a strong mental/intellectual combination. However, it also clearly displays a difficult family
life. Mom & dad didn’t always get along, sent kids mixed messages. By progression, Sun went over Saturn at age 2, Uranus at age 5,
Neptune at age 14, Pluto also transformed six out of his ten planets… he had to grow up fast! Moon/South Node in Virgo, he is one with very
intricate mind; but by past life tendencies he is passive and often pushed to the corner at the end before showing his true color.
Kiron in Gemini opposing Uranus/Saturn, squaring nodes, Mars/Pluto conjunct in social environment, he has a real hard time with male figures
he feels oppressed, lied to, both in the home and with friends in the very “dark” way.
Pluto/Mars seems that either “they” do the lethal to him, or he turns the table and do upon other first!
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