ɐuᴉ|ina says
12 years ago
earlier this week i finished recording a reading of Charlotte's Web to this kid in Africa i "adopted" through a $1/day donation program...
latest #6
12 years ago
i was always the naive dork not understanding why the wilbur's out there couldn't be saved. or why there had to be a bridge to terabithia...
12 years ago
second life was like rekindling a childhood of possibilities, but the political issues with linden lab helped force me on a rite of passage
12 years ago
... to growing up, and understanding that pigs are food and the builds and creations on SL are ephemeral till tier kills it all.
12 years ago
don't know if he'd ever hear the recording... hopefully, he doesn't get weirded out by the end, when i just couldn't stop sobbing.
12 years ago
(cozy) ... and fin
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