ɐuᴉ|ina asks
12 years ago
LL is now offering private regions without the setup fees? /me feels sheepish for paying $1600 x 4 for setup fees in 2008 >.<
latest #17
Gogo ♔ says
12 years ago
do you still have your sims?
12 years ago
until oct 29. thanks to a letter from a lawyer and a complaint from my cc for LL wrongfully terminating prepaid sims before term
Gogo ♔ says
12 years ago
so they're up til oct29th but do you owe them massive amounts in tier?
12 years ago
afaik my account's clear fr that LL billing issue. partly thanks to amanda linden, who was apparently fired for trying to help save shkspre
12 years ago
and i'm announcing this 4 months later because, knowing LL shadiness, they might break contract again and take down the sims for what i say
Marshall asks
12 years ago
inacentaur, do you have a link to the "no setup fees?" That would be awesome!
12 years ago
well, i got mass email spam on it. (yes, ll marketing is lame enough to market that to old residents, too)
12 years ago
12 years ago
... and i guess i'm now helping contribute to its viral marketing. the sale angers me, but even if i'm out of it, it'd be sad if SL fails
Marshall says
12 years ago
Oh. Please forgive me, Ina, I was not catching/remembering how insensitive they were to you. (blush) (cozy)
12 years ago
no, actually it's good that you're interested in this sale. i mean, if no one buys, then SL would fail -- that'd be sad
12 years ago
i mean, i want to be able to come back 5 years later and go, "wow, SL is still around." (walkdown memory lane to gawk at the new strip malls
Marshall hopes
12 years ago
you do, one way or another. ^..^
TheAmbler says
12 years ago
I don't think SL will fail, in the long run. It will probably be
TheAmbler says
12 years ago
arved up, bits sold off, diffewrent format
TheAmbler says
12 years ago
but I do think it will still be around in 5 years
TheAmbler says
12 years ago
heavily pornified, but still here lol
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