Monday night I restarted Ozempic. So far so good. I am so glad my insurance is finally covering it reasonably.
latest #19
MarvelMouse 🐭
4 weeks ago
My insurance started a new policy on January 1 (kaiser) that you have to be a diagnosed diabetic to get it for the reasonable price. I am diagnosed so I can get it, but I know some people who were bounced off it.
leilany | meme
4 weeks ago
leilany | meme
4 weeks ago
I can't wait ti restart in March
MouseMimistrobell: oh wow I have BCBS as a Medicare advantage plan. So they new laws really helped make this possible for me. Before I would et into the donut hole and be fucked.
I am a diabetic so that is my primary reason for being on it but hey if I lose some weight as well that is great.
MarvelMouse 🐭
4 weeks ago
Yeah that was my thing. It brought my a1c down to good and I lost some weight. I think that everyone should have access to it.
Jay Giano
4 weeks ago
I lost about 27 lbs on an ozempic compound then I completely flat lined for months. No gain and no loss. I recently switched to monjaro, it’s a lower dose and I feel more hungry. I’m gonna ask for a dose increase.
MarvelMouse 🐭
4 weeks ago
ajaygiano I lost 40 pounds and have basically stopped losing. I lowered my dose to just maintenance, so I think increasing the dose will help you.
4 weeks ago
I've been on it for a year to help maintain my weight loss. It's helped a lot as my body has decided that no matter what I do, it wants to regain all the weight I naturally lose. One thing I wish I had known; get on a digestive enzyme and take it every time you eat. It helped me sooooo much
4 weeks ago
But feel free to to each our on insta if you have questions: I'll be candid you know ❤️
Jay Giano
4 weeks ago
When on Ozempic, there were days when I felt really sick and nauseous, to the point that I had to lie in bed while my stomach was in turmoil, and this happened about 1-2 times a month. bit TMI but I noticed that food seemed to take longer to process.
Jay Giano
4 weeks ago
In the past, if I had food poisoning, I would just have to use the bathroom, but while on Ozempic, it felt like I had to vomit it out, going to the bathroom was not as frequent for me as before.
Jay Giano
4 weeks ago
Switching to Monjaro has been a game-changer for me in terms of side effects. I've been using it for almost three months and haven't experienced any side effects at all. I do feel hungrier now, which I didn’t experience while on Ozempic, but I think that’s due to the lower dosage.
Jay Giano
4 weeks ago
But regardless of the side effects it has lowered my levels and I lost 27 lbs so its worth the suffering. I got BCBS and they cover it for $25 a month since I was diagnosed with diabetes.
oooh a fellow diabetic. hello. do watch out for the side effects. hopefully none you couldnt bear.
While I’m on wegovy for obesity I’ve lost like 50 lbs so far. Will be bounced from it once I get on the city’s insurance but if I can still get it my parents were like well pay for it until you don’t need it
MarvelMouse 🐭
4 weeks ago
ajaygiano my first few months on Ozempic were a struggle as I had to adjust stuff and I had a couple of times where I did throw up stuff I had eaten. Right now I'm managing my diabetes well, so I don't have those episodes anymore. I've been on it for over a year now. I am curious about the monjaro. But since I'm managing I don't think I'll change anything.
so far haven't had any side effects but I'm still only at the .25 dose.
Good luck! I hope it helps you
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