4 weeks ago
latest #9
4 weeks ago
Stereo Nacht
4 weeks ago
2nd Elf on left
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
so true
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
And it's pronounced KA-neh KOR-so, not 'cane' like candy cane. Hmph.
Stereo Nacht
4 weeks ago
Well, of course. It's either Latin or Italian, so you do pronounce all the vowels.
4 weeks ago
Stereo, I had a bit of conversation w/ someone once who insisted on pronouncing it as 'kayn' because 'Murrican! despite it not being an English-language name.

[tears out hair and sheds on his couch]
Stereo Nacht
4 weeks ago
SFFCorgi: There are stupid people in every possible group. And people who think the US are the greatest country on Earth, of all time, and probably in the whole universe, for ever... Those can be particularly stupid.
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