4 weeks ago
as much as I complain about Tik Tok Language taking over, I do enjoy the word 'delulu', especially in the phrase 'deep in my delulu'
latest #12
4 weeks ago
bc it's a more whimsical version of my favorite: "I climbed into this dumpster myself and good fucking luck getting me back out again"
4 weeks ago
(eg: It's my maladaptive daydream, I get to pick the music)
4 weeks ago
Delulu has been around in the certain sub cultures far long then TikTok has been a thing
4 weeks ago
oh that's good to know, then
4 weeks ago
A lot of 'TikTok language' is just co-opted from other sub cultures
4 weeks ago
that makes sense, I'm just used to it being new words/phrases to get around content and personal filters
4 weeks ago
oh yeah some of it is like coded langague so they can talk about marginalized communities with out the videos getting taken down, but they should just bleep the words instead of softening language
4 weeks ago
yeah delulu is a cute one
4 weeks ago
I just like, envision the difference as
'climbed into this dumpster myself' = monsterfuckers & HTP and the like
'deep in my delulu' = everyone lived and had tea parties every other weekend and went to therapy
4 weeks ago
even if it's the same canon/fandom
I like "delulu" for reasons but it's hard to explain. I especially like it for fandom takes that are almost completely divorced from reality.
4 weeks ago
I don’t use TikTok but every now and then when I see videos from there and there is Tik Tok language I have to google the meaning. But at least I got this one by the context. I feel so old.
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