4 weeks ago
well now I'm sad, I replaced the battery in my Savi's lightsaber (the one I made at didneylan) and it still doesn't work. It made one sad little beep and that was it
4 weeks ago
so I'm like 'was it stored with dead batteries too long? was it stored incorrectly??'
4 weeks ago
I'll get brother to take a look at it when he comes over and see if it's something I'm missing, but like, boo, I wanted to swing it around a lil bit and feel better and that's not the same with no light and no sound
4 weeks ago
oh noooooo
4 weeks ago
there's a slight chance that the new batteries are just so old they don't work, I never use AAAs so I don't... actually know how long they've been hanging out
oh no