Princess Emily
4 weeks ago
thank you AI
latest #25
Princess Emily
4 weeks ago
I love how AI has done nothing at all except make shit worse
Princess Emily
4 weeks ago
and yet people are still??? trying to push it????
Princess Emily
4 weeks ago
all it's done is make shit worse!
The people trying to push it are the same ones who did Crypto, it's all ponzi schemes
This time though their special project destroys the environment even more and also rampantly steals from everyone
Feeling Dwarfy
4 weeks ago
But think of how much money it’s saved by making shit worse
Feeling Dwarfy
4 weeks ago
All that money that was wasted paying people wages so they can eat and live
Niamh Vibes
4 weeks ago
The cure to the rampant onslaught of disinformation: build a machine of misinformation. It’s fool proof
4 weeks ago
I don't know how to get rid of it but it does all my basic chemistry googles wrong
4 weeks ago
Like sometimes I don't want to spend a minute and a half so I search balanced equation for zinc chloride reaction or whatever
4 weeks ago
And it's never correct
4 weeks ago
Before I would just get a Google result that had the right answer
4 weeks ago
internet applications of AI are still so insane to me
4 weeks ago
big tech wants to replace, like, the concept of knowledge
4 weeks ago
with "guessing a statistical average based on hundreds of terabytes of random garbage data"
4 weeks ago
I don't know the scale of data. it's probably more than hundreds
4 weeks ago
but that does not actually change the fact
4 weeks ago
that the entire idea is fundamentally useless in all contexts
4 weeks ago
I keep seeing people being like "why does the AI get answers wrong, we need to teach it more" and it's like, you can't "teach" it shit, okay?
4 weeks ago
it's a pattern-making machine, it copies and reproduces patterns of letters
4 weeks ago
everything that it produces is nonsense, a series of mindless assemblages with no consciousness or theory of mind behind it
4 weeks ago
and the best we can do is give it good patterns to copy, and then build exacting "don't-make-this-pattern, make-more-of-that-pattern" fences around it to try and corral the nonsense it produces within the bounds of reality, such that it matches up as often as possible with what is actually true
4 weeks ago
and it will still wander past those fences, like ivy, and need constant checking and pruning
4 weeks ago
this is an incredibly inefficient way to replace many of the human services that people want to use it to replace
4 weeks ago
and yet here we are!
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