3 weeks ago
Been sitting here trying to figure out why my room's so warm even with the fan on
latest #6
3 weeks ago
it's bc I forgot to close the blinds to cover the window before the setting sun hit it
3 weeks ago
closed now tho, so should be cooling off again soon I hope
3 weeks ago
anyway, once a more temperate climate is reached and this dead billionaire starts kicking in, it's time for tags.
3 weeks ago
and we have fixed my window screen so it is once more impassable to bugs but air-permeable! So I can have the windows open when the nights is nice
3 weeks ago
you know for the next 2-3 weeks when it's still nice at night
3 weeks ago
anyway, done some tags, but I'm gonna hop offline, do some DDV before bed and then use the sleep
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