1 weeks ago
[KR Gotchard] [Fic Thoughts] What if Chemies went to a wedding??
latest #19
1 weeks ago
2. Free food!
3. Open affection! (2 and 3 are basically equal in weight, here.)
1 weeks ago
More specific thoughts: what if the name-change paperwork for the Ichinoses went through... but not the one actually saying they were married?
Hence, wedding
1 weeks ago
Other couples talk about their own plans during the party (whether they're the marrying type, whether they'd have to go out of the country for a wedding, etc).
1 weeks ago
Semi-related thought: the Gigist King was not always a god, and was in fact the first-first winner of the DGP (or whoever it was the first Goddess of Creation wanted to have a child with - obviously she's gone No contact with this guy now, because eesh.)
1 weeks ago
( Still, the idea that Gigist got to the conclusion of 'you want kids? I'll GIVE you kids' because of this amuses me for the sheer ICly-alarming factor.)
1 weeks ago
(Houtaro in particular would just be SO DONE with it all... fortunately, so would Ace.)
1 weeks ago
(anyway, that's my thinking for Giving Ace A Reason to bring his friends to the wedding as his plus-five. Neon even has her own invite because the Chemies had a say in issuing invites!)
1 weeks ago
I imagine this as all post-canon, Chemies-are-out-in-the-open, mind wipes have stopped being a thing so Tamami gets to actually MEET all these people her husband has been loopholing not-technically-telling-her about.
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
Ryo Kajiki and his uncle get an invite - with a plus-one so Starshine Hoshino can come along. (Hijiri gets her own invite, since Houtaro DOES know her.)
1 weeks ago
(headcanon at present is that Kajiki's dad was ALSO an alchemist... but is no longer alive, and his wife ended the relationship on a real bad note so she does not have custody of her kid. Kajiki's doing surprisingly well in spite of it all, though. )
1 weeks ago
(His uncle insists that Kajiki at least try and dance with Houtaro at the wedding, but Kajiki says he knows he won't be the only one!)
1 weeks ago
ANYWAY the original thought behind this wasRob Thomas - Hold On Forever (Official Video)this song, for Hopper1-and-Steamliner as a couple.
1 weeks ago
(the one pairing I both crave content for and will PROBABLY NEVER GET SOB)
1 weeks ago
(aka I've had Thoughts leading up to this line before.)
1 weeks ago
It makes me sad that there doesn't seem to be anyone else on the other platforms that thinks about Gotchard in this way, because it makes it hard to achieve the Vibing With People I see others do when I make posts.
6 days ago
Matchbox Twenty - Selling Faith [Official Audio]More songs for This Ship.
(also the state of the canon in general.)
2 days ago
Things I also want (and am unlikely to get unless we are EXTREMELY lucky): Chemies going to Pride.
2 days ago @Edit 2 days ago
Celebrating feelings of love, identity, and knowing! Being sad about gatekeeping! Protecting those in mistreated demographics!
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