2 weeks ago
Character/fandom/RL AMA!
2 weeks ago
Ask away. :-)
Pinky Hood
2 weeks ago
Your feelings on 1990s cartoon/97 version of Remy?
2 weeks ago
I love Remy. I do. The cartoon is what got me into comics and Remy is the one I gravitated to immediately.

HOWEVER. The third person drives me up a fucking WALL these days.
2 weeks ago
It's not that I've never used it. Remy does do it occasionally and I've always used it as a distancing technique. But in the cartoon, it just...sounds like he never learned how to speak properly. And it's nails on chalkboard.
Pinky Hood
2 weeks ago
I hadn't thought about it until recently, but yeah. They never did explain why he's always talking in 3rd person