3 weeks ago
ABO meme is up.
latest #31
3 weeks ago
Lemme know if you want any of mine.
3 weeks ago
golaudydd: I mean, which one?
3 weeks ago
Also, your turn in our threads. I think. DW may have been being dumb again.
I'm not sure. lol I'm at work and commented to come back to. And I know it's my turn. Life has been a bit blerg this past month and I'm trying to find a groove to sit with. I'm hoping tonight.
3 weeks ago
No worries! I just wanted to be certain DW wasn't being terrible.
3 weeks ago
Anyway, no reason we couldn't go with Jess and Sam for ABO, if you want.
All parties are open to this. lol Jess and Sam are always a delight.
3 weeks ago
I mean, I'm not opposed to a bit of bonding between Sean and Cian, either.
Sean's honestly louder right now, so maybe those two.
3 weeks ago
I wish I had someone for you.
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
One of these days.
purkle archer
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
purkle: Hello, yes.
purkle archer
3 weeks ago
I'm about to go back to work but I could work Babs into any of the roles depending on things
3 weeks ago
I've played Dick as either Alpha or Omega before, so I'm fine with whichever works for you. Though I do run heavy to Alphas most of the time, so I'd be good with going Omega.
purkle archer
3 weeks ago
Awesome, I can come up with something when I get off
Yay lunch now lol I admittedly have little experience with abo, but I'm always wanting to try playing with it more and your patience is always appreciated.
In my brain, Sean is absolutely omega to Cian.
3 weeks ago
Hee. Cian does have a very commanding personality.
His presence demands it, even if he doesn't intend it. Absolutely.
3 weeks ago
Unintended consequence of having a much younger mate is that Cullen probably is going to end up with a younger sibling.
The odds go up. lol
3 weeks ago
They do, yes.
I wonder what prompt is a good go
As I meander back to work after break. lol
3 weeks ago
I'm always a fan on either bonding or heat/rut.
Bonding sounds great
3 weeks ago
Forgot that if I want to do these things, I need to throw up some top levels.
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